Corporate Social Activism

Corporate Social Activism

From taking responsibility to taking a stand

Consumers expect companies to take clear stands on social and environmental issues. Purpose-driven employees and entrepreneurs are driving change from within the company by aligning sustainability efforts with business objectives. Entrepreneurs are taking a new approach to activism by using their business as a vehicle for social change.

What are the faces of corporate social activism? Why should companies go beyond being responsible to taking a stand? (How) can companies embrace this trend as an opportunity to take their responsibility and sustainability efforts to the next level and drive social change? And is there a limit as to how far a company can go?

These are all questions we will be exploring at our Spring miniconference in The Social Business Club on 8 May in Copenhagen.

Join our Spring miniconference to get how-to insights and inspiration from:

  • The international social business expert who provides an overview of global trends and cases on corporate social activism (Tania Ellis, Special Advisor & Founder, The Social Business Company)
  • The retail giant that applies choice editing and controversial communication to inform and engage its consumers in sustainable consumption (Thomas Roland, CSR Manager, COOP Danmark)
  • The low-cost telecommunications company that initiated a national social movement by changing the company from within (Hanne Lindblad, former CEO and Anja Enggaard former Marketing Manager, Call me)
  • The world’s first ethical prison labour company that uses its business to take a stand on poverty and women’s rights (Veronica D’Souza, CEO & Founder, CARCEL)

Throughout the program we will discuss, network and exchange experience and thoughts on why, if and how companies can become activists for social change.

See the full miniconference program here

The miniconference is for you, if you want:

  • Insights into corporate social activism
  • Ideas for how to take stands & actions in your own business
  • Inspiration for your work with responsibility & sustainability
  • To network with other like-minded professionals

Reserve your seat here


Time: Tuesday 8 May 2018, 08.30 – 12.30
Place: La Oficina, Suomisvej 4, 1927 Frederiksberg C

Entry fee (excl. VAT):

  • Non-members: 950 kr.
  • CSR Forum members (sign up as Club Member) 650 kr.
  • Start-ups & Students: 250 kr.

Written by Tania Elllis Founder of The Social Business Club



Put sustainability into the heart of your sales and customer relations efforts

How can corporate responsibility and sustainability efforts be used to increase sales, build relationships with customers and ultimately contribute to global development goals in support of sustainable consumption?

Join our Autumn miniconference to get how-to insights and inspiration from: the social business expert who provides an overview of global sustainable customer engagement trends and cases; the fair trade organization that engages consumers to increase market demands for sustainable products; the laundering service company that builds sustainability into its value proposition to attract and retain business customers; the international expert who changes corporate and consumer behaviour through nudging and behavioural design. Throughout the programme we will discuss, network and exchange experience and ideas of how you can put sustainability into your own sales and customer relations efforts.

See the full miniconference programme here

Join the miniconference to get how-to insights and inspiration from:

  • Insights into the many faces of sustainable customer engagement – both BtB and BtC
  • Ideas on how to build sustainability into your sales efforts
  • Inspiration for your work with CSR
  • To network with other like-minded professionals

Join by signing up here!


Time: Thursday 9 November 2017, 08.30 – 12.30
Place: Rainmaking Loft, Danneskiold-Samsøes Allé 41, 143Copenhagen K

Entry fee (excl. VAT):

  • Non-Club members: 950 kr.
  • Premium Club members: free – included in membership
  • Basic Club members: 650 kr.
  • Starts-ups & Students: 250 kr.


Written by Tania Ellis, Forunder of The Social Business Club

Sustainable Disruption & Corporate Social Entrepreneurship

Sustainable Disruption & Corporate Social Entrepreneurship

Disruption er forbundet med ny teknologi og digitalisering som skaber virksomheder med innovative forretningsmodeller og stort vækstpotentiale. Ofte er det IT iværksættere som udvikler en idé der bliver til en international virksomhed. Enten vokser de sig store på egen hånd, eller ved at samarbejde med allerede etablerede virksomheder. Eksemplerne er mange, fra Netflix til Air BnB, Spotify og Skype.

Men nu kan udfordringer relateret til klima og andre globale ubalancer også være en kilde til disruption med mindst ligeså store potentialer. Det er i alle fald en af konklusionerne i rapporten Better Business, Better World (Business & Sustainable Development Comission, januar 2017). Og for at kunne udnytte disse forretningsmuligheder, kræver det at både store virksomheder og organisationer arbejder sammen med grønne og sociale iværksættere.

Selv om det er en af konklusionerne i rapporten, er det ikke noget der er nyt. Mange store virksomheder i Danmark og resten af verden har allerede fået øjnene op for den ny type iværksættervirksomheder der har vokset frem de seneste år. Ved første øjekast virker de måske ikke kommercielt interessante, fordi de fokuserer på områder, der ikke har et indlysende forretningspotentiale. Men det er de. Kom og hør hvem de er, og hvordan de har udviklet deres forretningsmodeller.

Den 2. maj sætter Tania Ellis og The Social Business Company fokus på globale trends og cases inden for bæredygtig disruption og corporate social entrepreneurship, og hvordan store virksomheder i samarbejde med iværksættere skaber nye forretningsmodeller der bidrager til at løse globale udfordringer.

Link til mini-konference:

Interviewet af:

Tanja Bisgaard, Novitas Innovation