The general theme for our Fall semester is Sustainability & Strategic Reporting.

In collaboration with oikos Copenhagen and PRME we have four lectures and two workshops to present for this semester.

The first lecture is themed: “Is the Danish case a point of reference for future CSR reporting developments?”.

For this lecture, we among other speakers have Carina Ohm, Executive Director Climate Change and Sustainability Services at EY, presenting on the topic. Watch Carina’s video on the topic

More info about Lecture 1                                                                                                                                    Visit our event calendar for info on timeplan, speakers, learning goals etc.                                                         

How to Join                                                                                                                                                                    Sign up an get more info by sending af mail to  

Watch out for more news and updates here on our blog!

  • Get inspired and enjoy valuable knowledge while waiting for the first lecture in November!
  • We recommend you to read this CSR Forum produced post from the winner for best Danish CSR-report in 2016 on our blog (In Danish). 
  • Read more about the collaboration and oikos Academy here
  • Get more info about the Spring semester and our experiences here

Created by:

Per Baar Kæseler