In exploring our theme Connecting Brains, CSR Forum are very interested to hear how the Academic world is addressing the issue of sustainability. How has the environment changed in recent years, and what changes are under way?

Are the Danish universities equipped to investigate the question of Sustainability? Or is there a need for change?

… And what about education?

Katherine Richardson from Copenhagen University’s Center for Sustainability Science has opened the discussion, addressing how cross-institutional collaborations and cross-scientific combinations are necessary. Read Katherine Richardson’s opening post here

… Do you agree? And what challenges need to be addressed to accomplish this?

Several prominent academics have been invited to share their views. But we want to open up the discussion: We hereby publish an open call for essays, for anyone with insights and opinions on the topic.

The format is a one-page essay. Please also do include a short bio of 2-5 lines about you and your career.

Please send your essay to

Written by:

Laurits K. Christensen, student assistant at CSR forum and a master student of Brand and Communications Management at CBS.